
London Zhiloh


London Zhiloh

London Zhiloh is a content creator and social influencer who has rapidly established herself as a forerunner amongst influencers in the digital marketplace. At age 23, the DC native has developed a passionate and engaged brand in which the millennial youth trust. Using modeling as an avenue to build social equity for her lifestyle brand, London has established a presence throughout various new media platforms. Zhiloh has collaborated with selected partners such as Gucci, Paper Magazine, Bing & AdWeek and a host of other productions. As a respected tastemaker, the scope of London’s creative endeavors is ever expanding. With the support of icons such as Rihanna, her artistry and sense of fashion continues to make an impact. London took a moment to swing by our production studio to host an intimate discussion of her strategy and journey that has brought her to this point.


Capture Flow: Where are you from?

London Zhilo: I was Born in D.C. and raised in Maryland... Prince George's County.


How did you get your name?

I was in my mother's womb and we spoke about what name is the coolest in the World and together we picked London.


How long have you been living in New York?

4 years.


What is your favorite season?

I would have to say Summer, simply because of my birthday. Though I do enjoy Spring and Fall. Pretty much anything besides Winter.


Who is your favorite artist of any medium? 



Tupac or Biggie?

Luther Vandross.


Hillary or Trump?

Pablo Escobar.


What is the most ridiculous comment you have ever received on Instagram?

Well, there are so many but recently I received a comment saying I sound like a dumb b*tch, simply because I said that "Harold's Chicken & Waffles" in Atlanta was great and that chicken in Chicago is better.


What do you think social media will look like 20 years from now?



What is something you would like to try that you have never tried before?

I would like to get mentally and physically, rich. 


What is your favorite car?



What is the longest road trip you have ever taken? Driving from

New York to LA twice.


What is your favorite thing to do when you are alone?

Talk to myself.


What is your favorite planet?


What is your favorite film?

I have many but i love Mr. Nobody.


Who is your favorite fashion designer? My mom.


If you won a billion dollars but had to spend every cent what would you do with the


Invest in my Business.


If your present self could tell your past self some advice what would it be?

Make that shmoney Zhiloh don't let it make you.


What is the wildest NYC night you have ever had?

Every night.


When you are at a party with your friends do you say all the goodbyes or ghost?

Go Ghost.